Worship Activities
Centering Prayer
"Centering Prayer" is a method to practice the ancient prayer of the heart, commonly called contemplative prayer. It is a 20 minute time of silence where one seeks to be with God and consent to God's action and presence within. Following the period of silent prayer, there is a time for discussion of topics of spiritual importance ending with intercessory prayer. *Note: The Centering Prayer Group does not meet in July and August*
Meet 10:30 AM (in the Philbrick Room in Thaxter Hall)
Acolytes - Acolytes assist the priests in the worship services of the parish. Their roles include: crucifers, servers, torch bearers and banner bearers.
Altar Guild - The Altar Guild prepares the elements of the Eucharist for presentation to the priest and to supervise the after-care of the altar.
Eucharistic Lectors: Lay people who participate in the service by reading the lessons and prayers.
Eucharistic Ministers - Lay people who administer the chalice during Sunday services.
Ushers - Ushers welcome newcomers, hand out bulletins, find seating, and guide the congregation through the line for the Eucharist at church services.