St. John’s Building Hope Project

A Vision for Sustainability, Accessibility, and Inclusion for the Future

Pastor Aaron Jenkyn explains:

The wisest theologians I know are the children in my life. Children are by nature inquisitive, curious and true, and their days are spent seeking out love in the world around them. What better way to see how God moves in this world than to ask a child how they experience love. If you listen carefully to their answers you will hear them reflect the way that love is experienced in relationship and communion with each other, and with God. They are naming ways they feel God drawing nearer to them. 

I have come to learn that when the littlest amongst us speak about love, we must pay attention. And the littlest in our community have spoken. The children and youth of St. John’s have been clear that they feel God’s love in nature: by a stream, in a tree, playing outdoors with friends. And they have also been clear about the ways they feel called to care for the earth and all of God’s creation.

We have heard the ever-increasing calls from children of all ages to take steps toward greening our own homes, and now our church buildings. Perhaps now more than ever before, this vibrant multigenerational community we call St. John’s, with a compelling sense of right action and due responsibility, requires us to show true love for each other and the environment by transforming our church buildings into sustainable, accessible, and inclusive spaces to gather and worship, to learn and to love.