Reach In
St. John’s supports a revolving door of opportunities to learn, pray, work, and gather in community from week to week. To learn more about any ministry, please email our office, or call us at 603-436-8283.
Coffee hour or lemonade on the patio after worship services provides time to connect, refresh, and delight. Contact: Fran Meffen
Office Volunteers
Our dedicated group of volunteers assist the staff with all kinds of administrative tasks from mailings, office coverage, and large and small projects. Contact: Parish Administrator
This committee lovingly provides receptions for funerals and other events. Contact: Suzi Raeside
Pastoral Care
Provide a meal or a ride to a person from St. John's who may be in need due to illness, recovery from surgery, at home with a new baby, or in need of extra support. Contact: Anne Williamson
Prayer Circle
Members pray daily for those who are troubled in any way. Contact: Susan Mennel
Wrapped in Love
This blanket ministry provides blankets for sick, injured, or traumatized children ages newborn through high school. Read more here. Contact: Joyce Hoelzer
Exploring Loss
An informal peer-to-peer group that discusses the death of a person in one's life and the ensuing loss experience. Contact: Sally Murphy
Reading Between the Lines
Using a resource entitled Reading Between the Lines, we'll use one text from the Sunday lectionary and examine the story as found in the Bible. Next, we see how the story is happening in the world around us, and then look at how the story is an event in our own lives. Contact: Diane Harvey
Garden Guild
Spread the joy of your green thumb, or learn more about the craft. Contact: Parish Administrator
Altar Guild
Setting up the space in the sanctuary and caring for historic artifacts is the behind-the-scenes glue that welcomes all to God’s table every week at SJC. Contact: Bertha Rocray
Ushering Team
Typically the first folks that people see as they enter the church on Sunday, this team welcomes congregants and serves as a resource for those familiar and not familiar with our Sunday services and rituals during worship and occasional funerals. Contact: Randy Carey
Technology Ministry
Broadcasting live from SJC. Join us in the tech booth and work with the audio and visual elements that help us reach outside the walls of the church. Read more here. Contact: Olin Johannessen
Watch Team
A team of watchful eyes on the buildings and grounds that survey doors, lights, faucets, windows, ovens, and the overall security of our spaces. Contact: Gerry Simpkins