Children & Families
Building whole-hearted community
Each Wednesday during Lent (beginning 3/12) we will come together for a gentle, reflective walk—an opportunity to slow down, breathe deeply, and embrace the sacred in creation.
More information for parents:
On January 5th, we begin our annual St. John’s Youth Musical project. This year we are going to do The Rainbow Fish Musical.
Beginning December 1st on Sundays and Wednesdays: Step into the story and help us bring it to life this Advent season! All children welcome age 4-18.
Welcome to a new year of programs at St. John's! Kickoff Festivities begin September 7-8. View the Creation Season Newsletter.
We are thrilled to share the success of our Easter Giving Eggs initiative this year. Our children and youth identified their support for three vital causes: environmental care, LGBTQIA+ rights, and peace in the Middle East.
A poem by Zinnia Downs, What St. John’s means to me…
We’re taking the Easter Egg Hunt to new levels! The Easter Giving Eggs of 2024, empowering children to give back to their community, with your support. A St. John’s Tradition!
We will return in March to our weekly rehearsals with Youth & Cherub Choirs to prepare for our culmination project “Shaker Harmony” celebrating the 250th Anniversary of the Shakers in America.
The Winter Theater Project for 2024 is a fun and flexible Musical Revue! All are welcome to join us. Complete the enrollment form for each interested student.
Children and youth interested in serving as acolytes are invited to join Rev. Aaron and Steve Falci for a fun & informative training session on Sunday Dec 3rd from 11:00-11:30 (immediately after church) in the sanctuary.
The Rev. Aaron Jenkyn offers some resources to make space for quiet reflection and connection with your family as we await the Joy of Christmas!
An update about our weekly Wed. rehearsals and details about what is coming up this season for our program in general.
"Scatter the darkness, break the gloom," arranged by Jacob Webber. Featuring students from The St. John's Choir School. This was captured live at the 9:15 service of Holy Eucharist Rite II on Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023.
Spring has sprung! Children’s program updates ~ Sundays from Easter to Pentecost.