Adult Formation
Resources for the Spiritual Journey
For more information about our adult formation opportunities, contact The Rev. Aaron Jenkyn.
An informal peer-to-peer group of St. John’s Parishioners that discusses the death of a person in one's life and the ensuing loss experience. Contact: Anne McSally
Using a resource entitled Reading Between the Lines, we'll use one text from the Sunday lectionary and examine the story as found in the Bible. Next, we see how the story is happening in the world around us, and then look at how the story is an event in our own lives. Contact: Diane Harvey
“God’s love refuses to be kept in a box."
This is Bishop Rob Hirschfeld's and Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s vision of our “Being the Beloved Community."
Outside the Box is a ministry with the vision of spreading God’s love outside the “boxes” of our own ideas and our buildings, and reaching out into our community by offering a platform for new voices, perspectives, stories, and ideas. In this way we hope to expand the knowledge of issues outside the normal church experience and to break out of any echo chambers we create within our own communities. Contact: Susan Lassen
To accomplish this the group has invited speakers with all kinds of topics and points of view, including:
Chikumbuso – Zambia
Circles of Support - NYC
Cross Roads House - Portsmouth
Gather - Portsmouth
Hope on Haven Hill - Rochester/Somersworth
Immigration and Asylum support - Portsmouth/Dover
Ondjiva Project - Angola/Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire
Reparations - Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire
PFAS Silent Spring Institute - Newton, MA
I Got Bridged – Portsmouth, NH.
Using a resource entitled Reading Between the Lines, we'll use one text from the Sunday lectionary and examine the Biblical story and how the story is happening in the world around us and in our own lives.
Join us for a weekly discussion series led by The Rev. Rob Stevens, where we will explore Barbara Brown Taylor’s classic book An Altar in the World.
Using a resource entitled Reading Between the Lines, we'll use one text from the Sunday lectionary and examine the Biblical story and how the story is happening in the world around us and in our own lives.
Join us for a weekly discussion series led by The Rev. Rob Stevens, where we will explore Barbara Brown Taylor’s classic book An Altar in the World.
Using a resource entitled Reading Between the Lines, we'll use one text from the Sunday lectionary and examine the Biblical story and how the story is happening in the world around us and in our own lives.
Join us for a weekly discussion series led by The Rev. Rob Stevens, where we will explore Barbara Brown Taylor’s classic book An Altar in the World.
Using a resource entitled Reading Between the Lines, we'll use one text from the Sunday lectionary and examine the Biblical story and how the story is happening in the world around us and in our own lives.
Join us for a weekly discussion series led by The Rev. Rob Stevens, where we will explore Barbara Brown Taylor’s classic book An Altar in the World.
Using a resource entitled Reading Between the Lines, we'll use one text from the Sunday lectionary and examine the Biblical story and how the story is happening in the world around us and in our own lives.
Using a resource entitled Reading Between the Lines, we'll use one text from the Sunday lectionary and examine the Biblical story and how the story is happening in the world around us and in our own lives.