Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Tues., June 13, 2023

The Rev. Rob Stevens


The Rev. Rob Stevens preaches on the Gospel of Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26.

It is so helpful to laugh at the silliness of our insecurity. We are so worried about belonging that we're willing to cast out people. It is amazing how consistent human beings are at this and it is one of the main things that Jesus came to eradicate, to say the love and light of God is not for just a few, it's for all. Then we consider this incredible phrase that is almost a throwaway line: I desire mercy, go learn what this means. I desire mercy not sacrifice.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gift not a possession. This mercy that Jesus talks about is possible if we realize that we are the bearers of a great gift. If we understand that it's been given to us, we didn't have to earn it, then it becomes easy to say ‘here you want some’ versus ‘you gotta earn it too’ through sacrifice. Jesus came to teach us how to be human. It’s about sharing this light and this love that is so freely given to us and yet for some reason we tend to turn inward and turn it into a possession. When we spread the love and light, we all have the power to heal.

Healing is calling out the light in others, in truly seeing others. It’s when we actually listen to each other, it’s merciful. Jesus needs us to move into the world to be merciful; to use this gift of love and light that is so freely given to us and share it with the world. We are all children of God AND we are sinners. We are all in the same boat and that is good news because we don't have to cast each other out, but we can draw each other in through mercy and healing.

May we have courage to be about mercy in our lives. May we be agents of healing in our lives and in others, and in all things help us to remember that all of this life, this gospel, is a gift. Amen