Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Saturday, January 6, 2024


allison dudas

Today, we celebrate Epiphany. We can imagine the three travelers from the east finally reaching the newborn Jesus. They are weary, maybe a little skeptical and, above all, searching for hope and meaning in an uncertain time. I find myself identifying with these kings quite a bit this year. They see a shining star and are so ready for a message of hope in the world, that they follow its bright light. Kind of nuts, right? And also kind of brave. I feel so like these wanderers this year. It feels a little bleak and I'm tired from the road. And yet, there's a star! There is brightness and warmth begging to be noticed. Asking to be sought out. 

While this year, I feel a kinship with these Wise Men, every year, there is a different character in the Christmas story toward whom I'm drawn. For many years, it's been Mary. She's overwhelmed with the tasks of motherhood and has constant visitors, including a young boy with drums (why did he have to have drums?!). She holds the wonders of the universe in her heart and marvels at the love she feels for her baby boy. 

Other times, it's the shepherds. Scared out of their minds at the change about which the angels sing. Willing to worship and also quick to hide in fear.

There have been years where I feel like the angel Gabriel. Ready to announce the Good News and so very sure of the God-with-us reality. Those years I've been able to hold up my community and remind them of the God who accompanies us throughout our lives.

And sometimes, I'm more of a friendly beast honestly. If you are lucky to see the Christmas pageant we put on at St. John's every year, you know what I'm talking about! I'm blindly following the people ahead who seem to know better than I do. And I'm looking for a place to lay down, just hoping someone will feed me. 

I wonder who you identify with this year? What about this story of great love sticks out to you? And how can you carry it with you into this fresh year?

Allison Dudas, Director of Youth Ministries