Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

The Rev. Callie Swanlund, Guest Preacher, visits St. John's to deliver the message that we are not alone. That in our wholeness, in our brokenness, and in all states in between, we can lean into our vulnerability, and be part of a community like St. John's, allowing ourselves to be seen, and yes, even allowing ourselves to be loved.

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

“For the beauty of the earth,” John Rutter; featuring the St. John's Parish Choir, under the direction of Olin Johannessen, Associate Director of Music, with piano accompaniment from Jennifer M. Mulhern, Director of Music. Featured Offertory Anthem at the 10:00am Rite II service on Sunday, September 22, 2024.

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

In this week's Gospel reading, the disciples ask “Who is the greatest?” Jesus, lifting up a child as a symbol of vulnerably and potential tells them that it is anyone who cares for a child. What if we saw the earth as a sacred trust from God, much like the vulnerable child Jesus calls us to protect in the Gospel? Would we care for the earth differently?

St. John's, meet The Rev. Callie Swanlund!

St. John's, meet The Rev. Callie Swanlund!

St. John's, meet The Rev. Callie Swanlund! On Sunday, September 29, through joyful worship, regenerative activities and conversations with friends, we will dive deeper into what it means to build a whole-hearted community reflecting Christ's teachings of love and compassion.

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

“Hush! Somebody’s Callin’ My Name,” arr. Brazeal W. Dennard; featuring Karen Horton, soloist, and the St. John's Parish Choir, under the direction of Jennifer Mulhern, Director of Music. Featured Offertory Anthem at the 10:00am Rite II service on Sunday, September 15, 2024.