Welcome to St. John’s
Building Whole-Hearted Community
St. John’s is an historic church anchoring a vibrant community where you will encounter God’s love in worship and service, music and culture. Whoever you are, wherever you are on your faith journey, you are welcome at St. John’s.
Featuring Rob’s sermon from Sunday, an anthem from the Parish Choir, a poem upon which to reflect, and information to help you plan your Lenten experience with St. John’s.
Featuring Aaron’s sermon from Sunday, an anthem from the Parish Choir, a poem upon which to reflect, and information to help you plan your Lenten experience with St. John’s.
Featuring Rob’s sermon from Sunday, go BEYOND THE MUSIC with Jen McPherson Mulhern, enjoy a poem for Ash Wednesday, and plan your Lenten experience with St. John’s.
Featuring Rob’s sermon from Sunday, Go and Do! including TIME & MERCY, an upcoming St. John’s Selects presentation, links and information about St. John’s Lenten programming, a teaser on Rob’s Sunday evening book group, as well as other news from around our communities.
A spoken Service of Holy Eucharist Rite One is celebrated in-person and online.
A musical Service of Holy Eucharist Rite Two is celebrated in-person and online.
Join us for a weekly discussion series led by The Rev. Rob Stevens, where we will explore Barbara Brown Taylor’s classic book An Altar in the World.
Join the St. John’s Compline Choir each Sunday evening in Lent for this moving, meditative service.
Join us for a new community meal on Monday mornings from 6:30-8:30AM. Start the week off right with a warm, nourishing breakfast, served in loving community. All are welcome!
Using a resource entitled Reading Between the Lines, we'll use one text from the Sunday lectionary and examine the Biblical story and how the story is happening in the world around us and in our own lives.
Each Wednesday during Lent (beginning 3/12) we will come together for a gentle, reflective walk—an opportunity to slow down, breathe deeply, and embrace the sacred in creation.
St. John’s Episcopal Church and Concerts On The Hill are proud to welcome The University of California Santa Barbara Chamber Choir to our Choral Mainstage, LIVE IN CONCERT at 7pm on Wednesday, March 26, 2025. Admission $30 suggested donation available to purchase online, or at the door.
Prayers for Peace at 9; Service of Healing at 9:30. Join us for a contemplative, spoken service of Holy Eucharist in the traditional Rite I language, with prayers for healing.
Free community lunch offers both sit-down dining as well as bag lunches to-go. All are welcome. Mobile Health Clinic is available from 11:30-1:30 in the Lower Parking Lot.
A spoken Service of Holy Eucharist Rite One is celebrated in-person and online.
A musical Service of Holy Eucharist Rite Two is celebrated in-person and online.
Join us for a weekly discussion series led by The Rev. Rob Stevens, where we will explore Barbara Brown Taylor’s classic book An Altar in the World.
Join the St. John’s Compline Choir each Sunday evening in Lent for this moving, meditative service.
Join us for a new community meal on Monday mornings from 6:30-8:30AM. Start the week off right with a warm, nourishing breakfast, served in loving community. All are welcome!
Using a resource entitled Reading Between the Lines, we'll use one text from the Sunday lectionary and examine the Biblical story and how the story is happening in the world around us and in our own lives.
Free community lunch offers both sit-down dining as well as bag lunches to-go. All are welcome. Mobile Health Clinic is available from 11:30-1:30 in the Lower Parking Lot.
A spoken Service of Holy Eucharist Rite One is celebrated in-person and online.
A musical Service of Holy Eucharist Rite Two is celebrated in-person and online.
Join us for a weekly discussion series led by The Rev. Rob Stevens, where we will explore Barbara Brown Taylor’s classic book An Altar in the World.
Weekly Services
worship with us
SUnday Worship
8:00AM rite one holy EUCHARIST
9:30AM Youth & Children’s Programs
10:00AM rite two holy eucharist
Both services on Sunday mornings welcome you to our historic sanctuary and live stream on our YouTube channel so you can join us from anywhere!
Thursday Holy EUcharist
9:30AM with Prayers for Healing
A contemplative, spoken service with a rotating schedule of clergy each week in the traditional language (rite one), including prayerful interventions for healing. All are welcome to attend in-person only.
Office Hours
Monday through Thursday from 9AM to 12noon
We aim to respond to any inquiries within 1-2 business days.