The Rev. Anne Campbell Williamson has served St. John’s as Associate Rector from 2013-2022, and most recently shifting into the role of Associate for Pastoral Care.

Although Anne grew up in Michigan and went to college and worked in Chicago she spent 30 years in England. After working in banking, Anne served for in different lay capacities. She was ordained deacon in the Church of England in October 2004 at Southwark Cathedral in London, and priest in October 2005, also at Southwark Cathedral. Anne ministered as an Honorary Curate (an assistant priest) in a parish in South East London: St. John’s Blackheath in the Diocese of Southwark. During her theological training at the South East Institute for Theological Education (SEITE), she undertook a short pastoral placement in the local hospice, became a volunteer chaplain and when her curacy finished in 2007, she was appointed Co-ordinating Chaplain. The short placement in 2002 turned into ministering at the hospice for ten years, and part of her hospice role was to support local parishes, covering services for churches where there were vacancies. Anne also served as a chaplain in a large urban hospital in South East London.

Anne loves preaching and teaching, and accompanying others on their spiritual journey. She has a particular interest in the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola, has undertaken the 19th annotation (the Ignatian retreat in daily life) and has training as an Ignatian spiritual director. She is currently participating in the Adelynrood School for Spiritual Direction. Anne serves the Diocese of New Hampshire on the Commission on Ministry, as a facilitator for Fresh Start and is a member of the Title IV disciplinary board. 

Anne has a passion for what might be described as ‘whole life discipleship’ – noticing the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, resisting a sacred/secular divide between church and the rest of life, and seeking to live and walk in the light of God at all times. Her favorite pastimes are learning to play the harp, walking (especially by the sea!), reading and traveling to visit family and friends.