In-Person Group
Tuesdays 3:00pm
Sacred Ground is a ten session program that explores the history of race in our country and its intersection with questions of faith. It is focused on connecting this history with our own stories, encouraging deep sharing with one another as we reflect on what we are learning. The organizers of Sacred Ground describe it this way:
This is a race dialogue series designed for these times. It is an attempt to be responsive to the profound challenges that currently exist in our society. It is focused on the challenges that swirl around issues of race and racism, as well as the difficult but respectful and transformative dialogue we need to have with each other about them. It invites participants to walk back through history in order to peel away the layers that brought us to today, and to do so in a personal way, reflecting on family histories and stories, as well as important narratives that shape the collective American story. It holds the vision of beloved community as a guiding star – where all people are honored and protected and nurtured as beloved children of God, where we weep at one another’s pain and seek one another’s flourishing.