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Vocabulary of our Faith | Adult Education

  • St. John's Episcopal Church 100 Chapel Street Portsmouth, NH, 03801 (map)

Join the Rev. Anne Williamson in the Philbrick Room at 11:30 on Sunday morning and The Rev. Rob Stevens in Thaxter Hall at 5pm on Sunday evening for the second of our Lenten Series 'Vocabulary of Our Faith'. Using the wonderful book 'Wishful Thinking - A Seeker's ABC's' by Frederick Buechner, we will explore our faith in conversation as we reflect on a different word each week. The conversations will last about an hour, and the evening conversation will be followed by a soup dinner around 6pm and Compline at 7pm.


the word of the week

"The power of sin is centrifugal. When at work in a human life, it tends to push everything out toward the periphery...until only the core is left...and eventually nothing at all is left. 'The wages of sin is death' is St. Paul's way of saying the same thing.

Other people and (if you happen to believe in God) God or (if you happen not to) the World, Society, Nature - whatever you call the greater whole of which you are part - sin is whatever you do, or fail to do, that pushes them away, that widens the gap between you and them and also the gaps within yourself." -- Wishful Thinking - page 108

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. -- BCP p. 320 | 1 John 1:8,9

Earlier Event: March 12
Holy Eucharist Rite Two
Later Event: March 12
Vocabulary of our Faith + Soup