A spoken Service of Holy Eucharist Rite One is celebrated in-person and online. We welcome The Bishop Rob Hirschfeld to St. John’s this morning.
In our baptism, in our confirmation, or reaffirmation, in sacred moments of divine intervention, moments of promise and understanding and sacrifice too true to speak, we have the opportunity to say ‘yes,’ but we have a lifetime to learn how to navigate that ‘yes.’ Saying ‘yes,’ to God, to church, to baptism, to confirmation isn’t the end, but the beginning.
This weekend many members of our beloved community will step forward and say ‘yes’ to God, some for the first time, and others to reaffirm their faith, to reaffirm their ‘yes’ whispered so long ago. May we love them, embrace them, hold them up and shine our lights on them in this moment of annunciation. And from wherever we sit, wherever we find ourselves on our journey of faith, may we whisper ‘yes’ along with them.
The service of Holy Eucharist, also known as Communion or Mass, is the most important celebration of the Christian church. "Rite I" is the version of the liturgy that most closely follows the traditional language used in the Episcopal church and other Anglican churches for many generations in older versions of the Book of Common Prayer. Rite I was created in the Book of Common Prayer published in 1979. The 8am Holy Eucharist celebrated at St. John's using Rite I from today's prayer book is a quiet and contemplative service without music.