Our service of Holy Eucharist (Rite II) begins at 10:00am in the sanctuary and online.
Play, wonder, explore, learn.
Sunday, Feb. 11, the last Sunday before the Season of Lent begins. From starlight (Epiphany) to stardust (Ash Wednesday), we close out this season of new beginnings as we move toward Lent, a special time for creating a welcoming space for God. And so, our theme for Lent will be Make Room. How might we make room in our hearts and in our lives for God?
And Lenten Spirals
This Sunday, each family will receive a small packet of Ashes and a Lenten Spiral to encourage and enable children to explore Ash Wednesday and the first days of Lent at home!
Holy Eucharist "Rite II" is the version of the liturgy using more modern American language, defined in the current Book of Common Prayer published in 1979.