Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Judy Sabin

GROW:  To spring up and come to maturity. To flourish, thrive. To become fixed or attached, take root.

Like any kid, myself included, your mom or your dad periodically made you  stand up tall in a door frame and measured your height. It was then recorded on the door frame with your name, height, and date. Being the oldest of three, this always gave me great pleasure. I was taller than my siblings, stronger, and in my mind smarter, HA! I was growing up! Then, somewhere in the late teens, you stop growing. You are now an adolescent, a young adult. All of a sudden you have your whole life before you:and an opportunity to grow and mature even further. So how do you experience growth at this point? Do you choose intellectual growth? Spiritual growth? Do you advance your physical growth to achieve athletic aptitudes? The choices are all yours to make, enrichments to your maturity making each of us a unique individual. 

Have you ever looked back at your early beginnings to see what influenced you to become YOU? I have been blessed with a loving family, indoctrinated with Christian beliefs, given a good education, and instilled with the essential parental guidelines. Then it was time to be on my own! These influences are still with me today. Have I always made the right choices and decisions? Well, no.....

but that's part of growing and maturing and necessary for the journey.

My dear mom, who recently turned 99 years young, has always been an advocate of "growing old gracefully". She should know.......she set the bar high and lives each day to the fullest. I love the Bible verse in Peter which states: "But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ To him be glory, both now and forever. Amen!"