Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The Rev. Bob Stevens

Faith…or not?

Reading from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians “ in life we find three great lasting qualities, faith, hope and love but the greatest of these is faith”. Aha, here we find the basic stuff of religious practice. Keep the faith, learn the faith, explain the faith and most importantly make sure you and others have the correct faith  After all isn’t that how we define who is appropriately oriented and who is not. How else can we be assured that we are among the “like minded “ faithful. There is comfort and a quiet security in this cocoon of conformity. Isn’t it delightful knowing the truth and being assured that I am in the right.  

Wait a moment. I’ve made a huge mistake. In rereading  Paul’s passage it doesn’t say the greatest is faith. It says the greatest is love. Nuts, that means I am forced to rethink all this business of being faithful. Am I up to this ambiguity ? Today instead of being wrapped up my assurances, I am challenged to encounter those I meet with an openness to their perspective... Joining them on their journey as we travel together toward understanding. 

“Will you seek and serve Christ in all people loving your neighbor as yourself”