
In the waters of baptism, we are lovingly adopted by God into God’s family, which we call the Church, and given God’s own life to share and reminded that nothing can separate us from God’s love in Christ. Holy Baptism, which can be performed through pouring of water or immersion in it, marks a formal entrance to the congregation and wider Church; the candidates for the sacrament make a series of vows, including an affirmation of the Baptismal Covenant, and are baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They are marked as Christ’s own forever, having “clothed [themselves] with Christ” (Galatians 3:27).

The Episcopal Church, “What We Believe”

Baptism, like all the sacraments, is a gift. Not just for the person being baptized, but for all of us.  All people of any age are welcome to be baptized. We would love to support you or your child in your decision to receive the sacrament of Baptism.

We celebrate baptism approximately five times per year during our Rite II service on Sunday morning or during the Easter Vigil.  The dates change yearly based on the liturgical calendar. 

If you or a family member wish to be baptized, please contact our office at 603-436-8283, download the baptism form (below), fill it out and return to the office prior to the date you wish.                                        

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is there a dress code?

No.  Dress however is most comfortable for you and your people.

Do I assign God Parents?

We call them Witnesses or Sponsors, but yes.  You can choose up to four but the usual is two.  If the Witnesses are Christians, great, but not a requirement.

Is there a fee?

No, there is no fee for baptism.