The Chapel St. Chronicle: Happy New Year!

The Chapel St. Chronicle: Happy New Year!

Featuring Aaron’s sermon from Sunday’s Star Festival for The Epiphany, Go and Do!, a beautiful performance of “Greensleeves” captured here at St. John’s, plus selected poetry and other offerings from around St. John’s! Happy New Year! Happy Epiphany!

The Chapel St. Chronicle, Christmas Eve 2024 Edition

The Chapel St. Chronicle, Christmas Eve 2024 Edition

Featuring Rob’s sermon from Sunday’s Rite I service, plus links to our Pageant, Service of Lessons and Carols, Blue Christmas service, and other offerings from around St. John’s! Merry Christmas!

"Where do we turn?"

"Where do we turn?"

When things feel as though they are crumbling beneath or even all around us - where do we turn? I’d say that because of our faith, we are blessed with a grounding God to whom we can turn, and that we have the gift of Scripture, and perhaps in particular the Psalms to anchor our own practice of faith.

"May We Change the Wind"

"May We Change the Wind"

As I seek to process the events of this past week, in particular the results of the election, I look to Jesus' example, of one who is not simply going to name and decry bad behavior, but also one who is going to use his position of power to CONNECT.