Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Jan Smith
Where do you turn for support during difficult times?
I have spent considerable time this week reflecting on where I turn for support during difficult times. I think of my father, a naval officer and submariner, who instilled in me the importance of having a "navigational" plan when setting ones course. He and my mother also taught me, through their example, that when in uncharted waters, when those navigational plans go awry, one must rely on a faith and a trust in God to help reset ones course. That wisdom and their example have served me well throughout my life.
While we are in uncharted waters now in a way I have never experienced, this is not the first time I have encountered these turbulent waters. Each time I have faced unexpected and unwelcome challenges, upon reflection I have found the experience to be an opportunity for growth and a deepening of my faith and trust in God. I feel God around us even now when we are in the midst of these difficult times. I see God in the loving support of family and friends, in the tireless dedication of the many people who are risking their lives to support the lives of others, in the beauty of spring, in the joy that accompanies the songs of birds. I see God in our wonderful staff at St. John's working so hard to provide us with spiritual support and for this I am grateful.
In closing, I would like to share with you The Serenity Prayer which has been so helpful to me.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Grant me patience with the changes that take time,
And an appreciation of all that I have,
Tolerance of those with different struggles,
And the strength to get up and try again,
One day at a time.