Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Thursday, June 11, 2020
Bob Stevens


Good Morning. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Bob Stevens, known around St John’s as Rob’s dad. I cannot begin to express how much the virtual ministry of St John’s has meant to Janie and me during these crazy times. We have been with you each Sunday morning and have begun each day with the daily reflections. Thanks for including us and so it is with this gratitude that I share a reflection


The night was dark and the streets outside were noisy. The youngster stirred in his bed uncomfortable and fearful. He cried out for his dad. Dad appeared as he always did. He spoke comforting words “be calm and know that God is with you.” I know all that the son replied, but please stay with me. I need some skin.

I thought of this story as listened to Nathan’s sermon on Sunday. How do we respond to the fears that surround us now. The injustice, the pain the isolation. What do I do? First and foremost was the posture that Nathan labeled “proximate”

Put skin on it

Fundamental to our belief is the defining reality that when God wanted to make the most significant communication, God but skin on. God came not as a book or a creed or a code of behavior. God came as Jesus, Skin! “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”. Incarnation - Proximate

My challenge is how do I live with this as a follower of this Jesus; certainly not with platitudes and preaching. Rather, it’s more like face to face, conversation, listening and reexamination of my prerogatives and all that tough stuff. Bear in mind that one of the covenantal commitments we make at Baptism is to “seek and serve Christ in all persons”. Let us not side past the word “seek”, that is proximate, the initiative to engage.

This is really hard. I think Jesus found this to be the case and probably we will too. But isn’t that why we hold on to one another as we move into this.