Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Friday September 4, 2020
The Rev. Rob Stevens

Being the Bearer of Good News

Often, we hear this saying in the opposite form.  “I hate being the bearer of bad news.”  I actually had someone say that to me just the other day.  It’s a difficult position to be in…sharing news that will be sad and thus hurting those with whom we share it.  However, Bearing Good News is different, yet we still struggle with this as well in my experience.  We are slow to share good news, it might be seen as bragging if it is about us, or pushy if it is about our community of faith.  It simply isn’t straightforward.

 Yet, as people of faith we have good news to share.  The good news of the Gospel that we proclaim is a powerful good that…Love Wins. 

 Lately though, I have witnessed a lot of what I (and others) call “Covid fatigue.”  With months of “restrictions” and now school being a challenge, to put it mildly, people are beginning to fray at the edges.  How do we continue to not only be the bearers of this good news that Love Wins, but also, perhaps more importantly remind ourselves of this good news?  The current societal climate looks to divide, I suggest that the exact opposite is the remedy.  SJC has never been a place where we all agreed.  In fact, I am so grateful that we do not find our unity in our agreement on issues, but on something much deeper, I believe where we find our unity, is summarized in our Baptismal Covenant.  These questions are a constant reminder to me of the Good News that Love Wins AND that I have role to play in sharing this Good News.

From the Book of Common Prayer 303-304

“Will you continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers?

“I will, with God’s help.”

“Will you persevere in resisting evil, and, whenever you fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord?”

“I will, with God’s help.”

“Will you proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ?”

I will, with God’s help.”

“Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?”

“I will, with God’s help.”

“Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?”

“I will, with God’s help.”

I do not pretend that it isn’t difficult to remember and share this Good News.  Yet, it is our privilege AND responsibility to do so, especially during these trying times.  Please pray for me as I seek to remember daily the Good News that Love Wins, and to share it freely and kindly.

The Rev. Anne Williamson shared this with me this morning (she is quite the bearer of good news!) and it is yet another reminder of the good news all around us and our need to participate in the work of being Bearers of Good News. 

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.
                         Owe no one anything, 
                except to love one another; 
                for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.
                                  —Romans 13.8
help me this day to add love to the world.
Not fear, not anxiety 
about what I owe or am owed, but love.

Help me know my freedom—
not to do what I please, 
but to fulfill my call to love,

my only goal not that I prevail
but that others receive love.

In calm interactions,
or in moments of anxiety or conflict,
let me contribute love.

In silence or in confrontation,
in public endeavor or quiet prayer,
in heroic action or mundane chores,
let me add love to the world.

O God of Love,
let your love overflow:
fulfill your love in me.