Monday, May 10, 2021
Bertha Rocray
Ministries of SJC—Altar Guild
When I was asked to write about the ministry of the Altar Guild, a service ministry, two words came to mind, meaningful and rewarding.
Altar Guilds in the United States were only formed in 1900. Prior to that the duties were the responsibility of the clergy. In 1930, Fay Ganter, wife of the rector, The Rev. Marshall Ganter formed and trained women in St. John's in the preparation and care of the altar. This was the first Altar Gild of St. John's.
Although many things have changed , the focus remains the same, the care of the altar as that remains the center of our services.
The Altar Guild of St.John's is a group of 25 women and men who work in teams of 4-5 for one month at a time. Duties include preparing the altar for Sunday services, as well as baptisms, weddings, funerals and any special occasions. Members also polish silver and brass, care for linens-which are now made from easy care fabric and care for the many historic pieces given to our church by past members.
We no longer use wax candles, rather liquid candle which is much easier to care for.
St John's is richly blessed with many historic and priceless items. We, the guild feel it is a privilege to care for these things and take great joy in our work.
Two of our treasured items are the Caroline Silver and the sanctuary light.
The Caroline Silver was given to St. John's by Queen Caroline in 1732. Pieces bear the royal arms , the King's monogram indicating they were official pieces, not personal pieces.
The sanctuary light which hangs above the altar was wrought by Franklin Porter of Danvers, Mass. and contains the melted family silver of Rev. Rear Admiral Geo. Collier, and his wife Mary Mason. It was presented to St. John's in 1930.
These are but two of the many historic and interesting pieces cared for by the Altar Guild. We welcome your interest in the guild at anytime. It is open to women and men. If interested, please speak to any guild member and you too can enjoy this rewarding ministry.