Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Carol Gruen

Ministries of SJC—Outside the Box

It all started with a simple statement Bishop Rob made during a sermon at St. Johns a few years ago: “God’s love refuses to be kept in a box.” Taking this to heart, a few of the parishioners sought to learn more of the inspirational stories of restoration, provision, new opportunities, and people who are passionate about change –those who take God’s love out of the church building and into the world. Outside The Box originated as an “after church light lunch series” to share the stories directly from the people and organizations who are practicing God’s love and are bringing light to the darkness of difficulties, needs, and challenges from as near as Portsmouth to as far away as Africa. Like the rest of our St. Johns gatherings, Outside The Box moved to a Zoom meeting after Covid hit.

Sometimes the extensive needs of our community and world, social injustices, racial prejudices, and fears can feel overwhelming. The hurdles to cross to meet the needs and make positive change seem insurmountable. But as Anne Lamott writes– “God makes a way out of no way”. The stories of new beginnings and opportunities remind us that good things are happening that bring light to the darkness, a way is opened, and a glimmer of hope has begun. Some of the inspiring stories we’ve heard at Outside The Box include:

  • the work of Chikumbuso which brings opportunities & education for aids widows and orphans in the slums of Lusaka, Zambia

  • heart-wrenching yet heart-warming stories about the work of the Episcopal church in Angola

  • local stories of the needs, challenges, and some successes for people seeking asylum in the U.S.

  • making reparations (repair, heal, restore) shared by the president of the Manchester chapter of the NAACP

  • the incredible work of Cross Roads House in providing shelter, food, clothing and support for local homeless

    individuals and families

    This week’s Outside The Box (Wednesday the 12th at noon on Zoom) will be a presentation from Gather which is a Seacoast area non-profit that provides for those with food insecurities. Donating food and money are certainly a key element to the organization, but the real stories are the numerous volunteers (including a few local renowned chefs) who roll up their sleeves to prepare meals, the local farmers who donate excess produce, and even the local grocery stores that make significant food donations. The organization and systems required to ensure the food is distributed to those in need is extensive. Outside the “boxes” of our church, our homes, our computer screens, the issues of food insecurities are being addressed with not only nourishing food, but with encouragement and the reminder of a community that cares.

    I love this line quoted by Anne Williamson: “when you pray, move your feet”. Join us this Wednesday and hear stories of the many people moving their feet in and through Gather. Enjoy this poem reminding us that God makes a way in big, small, and unexpected ways.

    I Have So Few Ways to Pray

    I have so few ways to pray,

    But you have so many ways to answer. Keep me alert

    to your unpredictable answers,
    to your unexplainable surprises,

    and by your grace,
    make me one of those surprises, for the sake of the One

    who taught us the surprises of moving mountains, healing touches,

    wondrous stories, great banquets, first suppers,

    broken bread, crosses,

    and resurrections. by Ted Loeder - Guerillas Of Grace