Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Sit Down Meals

Sharon Musselman

When I stop to reflect on the past year, it becomes difficult for me to recall all that has occurred during that seemingly endless year and a half.  I try to put it into a timeline and still struggle to remember the numerous events that shook our lives, our nation and our world.

There is one moment though that has stayed with me, and strikes me as a pertinent reminder of the importance of community.  It took place one morning in the parking lot of a local grocery store.  I had stopped to get a few items for one of our church members.  As I was putting this person’s reusable bags into the back of my car, a store employee came to retrieve the cart and saw the St. John’s Church logo on the bag.  He immediately asked me if I “belonged” to St. John’s Church and I replied in the affirmative.  His next questions was, “When are they going to start serving the weekly meal again?”  I explained that free weekly meals were being offered in the Church parking lot, but he responded by shaking his head and saying, “No, I mean the SIT DOWN MEALS!”

Hmm, “THE SIT DOWN MEALS”.  His words gave me thought.  I have enjoyed a few sit down meals with close family and some friends during this past year, but not everyone has had this opportunity.  The nightly news speaks of the “loneliness” that has been a direct result of this pandemic.  At St. John’s we enjoy many sit down meals throughout the year, but the Common Table provides the weekly meal that reaches out into the community and gives others that opportunity to belong to a group.  We need that sense of belonging, of being able to come together as a group, and I am looking forward to many “SIT DOWN MEALS” in the near future!