Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Friday, October 14, 2022

Beloved Community Out in the Community

Elaine Wilson

I was standing at the Xfinity store one day this past week, waiting in line after numerous people had also asked about the whereabouts of the beginning of the line. Each person waited about 30 minutes, but finally actual service was attentive and rewarding. We all daydreamed or went into our brain fog while we waited. I was ready to move when the couple in front of me finished, turned to leave, and started to walk past me. The man looked at me, smiled, pointed to me with a flicker of recognition and said, “St. John’s!” His lovely companion looked at me, laughed, pointed at me; as I looked at her, laughed, pointed at her as the three of us said, “St. John’s!” We all laughed as they went on out the door, and I went over to take my turn.

We all knew what had happened…we momentarily forgot personal names, but remembered the name of our Beloved Community we would meet and greet, worship and pray. In the coming days we will eventually remember each person’s name as we sit next to each other in a pew or wait to get a cup of coffee at coffee hour. God does work in mysterious ways.