Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Saturday, October 8, 2022


Steve Garnass-Holmes

Spirit of God, 
           breathe in me. 
Be my breathing, 
           that I may breathe deeply of life. 
Breathing in, may the wind of your earth enter me
           and become me, 
the gift of life 
           transformed into my cells. 
Breathing out may I breathe
           your grace and your peace.
In your grace 
           breathe me out into the world.
Breathe in my speaking, 
           that I may speak truth. 
Breathe in my singing 
           that I may sing joy. 
Breathe in my silence, 
           that I may listen deeply. 
Breathe in my walking,
           that I may go in peace. 
Breathe in my dying,
           that I myself may be your breath
breathed out into the Mystery,            in peace, breathing peace.