Parent Survey and Town Hall Follow-Up

On Sunday, February 13th we hosted a Youth Programs Town Hall Meeting for Parents.


The meeting was a true gift. For those that appeared in person to the meeting, we were greeted by many different faces… parents of teenagers and parents of children. Sunday school volunteers and alumni parents who spoke to the experience of the past when their own children were in the programs.


Several other people who couldn’t attend in person sent emails and text messages to communicate their care, support, and concerns about our Youth Programs at St. John’s.


All your feedback and ‘showing up’ is so valuable. Our future programs will be shaped by those voices that are raised! We shared a parent survey with the in-person crowd at the meeting. The responses to this survey are helping us to gather an “interest inventory” from parents. We plan to gather similar info from teens and, another idea born out of our meeting, to the whole parish as well. It’s not just teenagers that want to have fun with each other and go deeper into matters of the spirit. Turns out, we all do. And the urgency to make it happen might be stronger than ever.


PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SURVEY. Let us know you’re here with us. Let us know where your gifts, skills and interests lie.


This ‘Town Hall’ meeting is not a stand-alone event. In our mission to pull the cords around us tighter with love and listening, we plan to host this type of event semi-regularly. The energy of this meeting has settled into our systems and already guides our path forward.


There were lots of ideas discussed, and lots of perspectives offered. Experiences shared. Ideas pondered. Here are some key take-aways:

  • We (parents!) need to know each other. Parents are longing for discussion opportunities and connection.

    • Specific ask for parenting group on matters of racial / social justice & how we talk to our kids.

    • Specific ask for a women’s retreat.

  • Intergenerational opportunities for community and service are of great interest.

  • Fostering an environment of exploration and welcoming is a cornerstone of our value system. Practicing kindness, tolerance, service, and fun together. Asking questions about faith is always met with wonder and respect.

  • Rite 13 needs to happen this year!

  • Service opportunities and times to play are the way into the lives of teenagers. Deepening these experiences to prepare for matters of the spirit and soul: formation opportunities, mentorships, retreats, mission trips, pilgrimage, etc.

  • Bringing children up in the church more intimately connected to the rituals. More opportunities for children to be in church / understanding the Episcopal and St. John’s traditions. Embracing the mysteries of our faith.

  • Events like family nights and parish retreat are of great value.


This is a mission of building community. We need each other. We want to know each other. We pray that together we can create the programs that we truly want and need so that church is a ‘get-to’ in your lives, not a ‘have-to.’