Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Elaine Wilson


I realize that S’MORES seem rather inconsequential when the World is thinking about floods, triple digit temperatures, Taiwan, shark sightings, ……..and much more. But, I will digress………..

I first experienced making S’mores in 1942 during a Girl Scout overnight camping trip at the official Girl Scout Cabin in the Big Thompson River Canyon. The cabin was about 10 miles west of my hometown of Loveland, Colorado and on into the mountains.  Excitement was high as we unpacked bed rolls, canteens,  and toothbrushes.  The supplies were unloaded from our leader’s car that were for making Buddy Burners, extra blankets, buckets, candles …...but wait! somethings that were new and different.  Boxes of marshmallows, Hershey Bars, graham crackers!  In 1942, any one of those items was a heavenly treat and NOT in our home pantry on a regular basis. 

That evening, we experienced the first lesson in “How To Make Smores.”  Fortunately, we had all experienced the toasting marshmallows part, but yet to master the perfectly fire-blistered marshmallow as opposed to the black ashes result.  Yes, it usually took the patience of an adult doing it just right to get that gooey interior surrounded by a lightly caramelized shell, then gently placing it on a Hershey Bar squares between Graham Crackers. What an incredible way to teach patience during a quiet time around an evening campfire.

Over the years, as my family discovered S’mores and had them in the back yard under the huge willow tree; on more mountain trips to Colorado; on the sandy shores of Lake Erie; and in the back yard in North Hampton.  Over the years, my children, grand children and great grand children as well new neighbors, old friends, and numerous dear relatives would learn the power of the S’Mores.  Recent research (Google) shows that S’Mores have been around since the 1920’s. But studies show that only 13 percent of people have had S’Mores over a campfire and 41 percent of people living in a large city had never had a S’More!  I see my audience is limited to those who will celebrate National S’Mores Day on August 10th,but stay with me …You have had LOTS of time to sweep the cobwebs from your COVID brain and take precious time to do something.  **What?

S’Mores take time to make as you sit beside a child you have known for six years or a new neighbor you have just met.  Time is the most important ingredient in S’Mores!  As you sit next to someone you love or will come to like and love that time that you spend together as you get a marshmallow, pick out the Hershey squares and find the Graham Crackers and then put it over the fire.  Then you wait for the choice of a perfect marshmallow, smell the smoke of the fire, and talk about what a great day it’s been.  Look into each other’s eyes, smile, and declare it a “Mountain Top Day”!  (I borrowed that wonderful phrase from the Rector)

          ** Celebrate the Day!  Celebrate the Time you have with someone!  Celebrate your Life!