Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Friday, September 2, 2022

Diane Harvey

You May Be the Hope

On my way to the grocery store I pass three churches, two with sign boards that have changing quotes. Some of the quotes make me smile: “Our church is prayer-conditioned.” Some are puzzling: “the last mile is always lonely.” And a few quotes stick with me for continued reflection like the one presently displayed at First Parish, York: “You may be the hope.”

I love the possibility of these words! You and I may be what brightens the outlook, changes the attitude, or turns around the day, the life of another. You and I may be the hope through a smile, our words, our actions, even by choosing not to act, not to react. You and I may be the hope for others as we move through our days embodying kindness, courage and compassion.

I love the mystery of these words. You and I don’t have to know how or why or when we might be the hope for another; we simply can rest in the awareness God always is working in us and through us, greater than our imagination.

And I love the permission of these words. As Rob often puts it, “All may, none must.” Being love, being hope is invitation, not command.