Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Wed. 4 Jan. 2023

Creatures of Hope

Having been warned in a dream 
           not to return to Herod, 
           they left for their own country by another road. 
                           —Matthew 2.12


For the oak trees New Year's Day is just another day.
For the chickadee we have not turned a new year.

But we humans are creatures of hope;
we dare to believe that today is new,

that from this day forward 
we can begin anew,

forgive and be forgiven, 
learn, and unlearn some things,

step out of old ruts into new adventures,
new ways of being.

God, give me courage to start over, 
to start, to be open to new ways,

to risk, to begin anew,
to go by another road. 

May the new year bring healing of wounds past,
gratitude and trust in the present moment,

and abundant grace and blessings
in what lies ahead.