Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Tues., October 24, 2023


in times like these

The Rev. Aaron B. Jenkyn preaches on the Gospel of Matthew 22:15-22.

When despair for the world grows in you, where do you go to find rest for your soul?

It can be hard to know what do in times like these; the news of the world and the hardships of our lives can sometimes be too much to bare, and so we turn to nature, to poetry, to prayer and the psalms to rest our weary hearts and find peace, if but for a moment. From that place of peace, God restores our souls and calls us back into action.

Even, especially, in times like these.

This week's Gospel reading reminds us that we are made in the image of God, that we belong to God; and what belongs to God must be given to God. We are called to walk the way of love, to live our lives as Jesus did. Jesus himself says that he came to bring good news to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to call for freedom for the oppressed and declare to the world God's eternal loving-kindness. This is the work that we owe to God. This is the work that we owe to ourselves and to each other so that the whole world can see the image of God reflected back at them.