Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Wed. Mar. 22, 2023

What a difference

peter tarlton

What a Difference


How might I feel, living as the letter “r”,

 As in reject, react, enrage, tribe, reciprocal revenge?

 Might I feel what “forsaken” means?


 Would the letter “g” bring other sensing,

 As in group, together, engage, gender, and growing?

 Is love not always available, to reduce marginal feelings?


 Of course, a question would arise if letters combined as “ggrr”!

 As in ggrrowl, or conversely, ggrraceful?


 One letter makes a big difference in a word,

 For example, to enrage at or engage with someone.

 One action verb makes a difference in a mindset,

 Shown when we either discount or appreciate others.


 Power and influence may be unevenly held among some groups or individuals,

 When those without - hold anger to shame, accuse and discount those with,

 While those with - deny and discount those without,

 Both miss the precept that all must be part of possible solutions.


 There can also be fuzzy lines between different words and attitudes,

 An ambiguity between fear and trust, when we are not known,

 Tricking us to hold a self-protecting power to judge others,

 Even as we mentally reject such need, reaching out to say, “all are welcome”.

Who among us is without some “sin” of separation from innate goodness?


Who among us has not sacrificed for children, family, friends or country?

 Who among us would not want to improve, and live free in Peace with other citizens?

 Who among us is not tired of useless name calling and contrived tribal labels?


 We might feel safer behind polarizing walls of fear, called “elite” and “victim”.

 Yet marvelous benefits await, as a counter to division, were we to

 Collaborate for better outcomes to long standing problems, were we to

 Trust and engage. What a difference our many skills could make.


 We say we are called to love our neighbor as ourselves, while,

 Our Constitution sets the goal to create a more perfect union,

 With embedded appreciation for integration as a process, over time,


Affirming the call to know others as human beings, each with valuable differences.


 The “morning stars” can rise in the similar hearts of every person,

 When we choose to help heal as a country, by including all flavors of

 Talent and experience with respect, be they laborer or executive,

 Scientist, teacher, student, soldier, priest, even politicians!


 Each one’s self-righteous parts or legitimate needs may demand, “I want!”, yet when

 Group discussions fully consider “We need”, a sustainable balance usually follows.

 One’s choice to listen with appreciative curiosity helps to find common ground and

 Common sense, with “g”, as with many in One Nation, positively toGether.