Sat., June 3, 2023
Olin Johannessen
Gratitude Series: Tech ministry
As we come upon the end of another program year together, we pause to behold the different ministries that thrived in our midst over the past months. Thank you for the love, care, time, and energy given to SJC ministries this year. Throughout June, we will highlight ministries and their leadership, culminating to "Gratitude Sunday" on July 2nd in the garden at Strawbery Banke.
Well, SJC, it is June and we are now on the other side of things since the last time I wrote a reflection about our technology ministry. Our program year is over as of last Sunday (Pentecost), and we are entering into a lighter season as a staff as we reflect on the successes of the past year and look ahead to what wonders lie in store for us next year as a beautiful community of faith.
I wish to take this moment to express my pride in the fact that our presence online has continued to flourish throughout this year. We had some notable highlights in our world here at SJC, including the visit of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, our annual Service of Lessons & Carols and Christmas Eve, our wonderful reflections and Compline Choir offerings during Lent, Holy Week and Easter Sunday, the Chapel Street Band’s Choir School Benefit Concert, and of course, Pentecost, otherwise known as the Parish Choir Spring Spectacular!
Most of these services are ones we celebrate in some form or fashion every year, but it feels pretty remarkable to remember that, prior to August 2021 (not that long ago!), we weren’t able to capture or share much of that heartfelt amazing content outside the walls of St. John’s. Since going online with our ability to broadcast our live services, we’ve been able to not only send our weekly church services into the virtual space, but also have expanded our weekly offerings through the sharing of our clergy’s Sunday Sermons, the weekly Gospel Reflection series, sharing the amazing musical offerings, both from Sunday services and other special events and recording sessions throughout the year, as well as the ability to produce pre-recorded content from our Wardens and Vestry during our annual appeal and annual meeting seasons.
It is really important to me to acknowledge that I do not do this work alone, and last September marked the first formal entry into the request for assistance in our newly formed Technology Ministry. We have been blessed by the remarkable commitment of Bruce Hoelzer, who has gone from careful observer to capable producer of our weekly 8:00am Rite I services. Bruce will be stepping in for me during the month of July when my family and I are away, and I could not be more grateful for his steadfastness and commitment to excellence, and confident in his abilities. Chuck Silva, our senior warden, has been such an amazing supporter for me all year during our 10:00am Rite II services. Many of you know that I also serve SJC as Associate Director of Music, and without Chuck’s availability and willingness to step in on a moment’s notice, I would not be able to fulfill that role as fully week to week. He is always a text message away and ready to step in so that I may either sing with, or direct one of our many choirs during Sunday service. Truly walking the walk of our most senior leader and being a shining example of service to this community. This summer I am excited to welcome back Zuri Wemple, who has been away in Columbia with his mother while she completes her work as a Fulbright Scholar (!!!). Zuri has been an invaluable member of our technology ministry since before it even had a name and is always willing to come and assist me in the booth with whatever I need. I can’t wait to see the return of his artful camera work during the sermon each week.
Chuck, Zuri, and Olin in the booth on Christmas Eve 2022.
As we say thanks to all those who’ve helped serve in the technology ministry this year, we also want to reiterate our communications of late and amplify the fact that during our summer season, Rite I Sunday services will be live streamed, but Rite II services will not. This is an important season of setting down for our staff, and reflecting on what has been successful, and what may need to shift. We also preserve space for rest and vacation during this time, and it’s important to have that period of recharging for us. Streamed Rite I services will retain some elements from during the program year, and others will be left out to uphold our period of rest and recharging. You can still expect great content being produced throughout the summer, but it may look a little different than what is released during the program year. We hope you will enjoy the beauty of summer wherever you are, and get outside and enjoy community connection in other ways, as we will!
We are truly blessed to have such amazing things going on here at SJC, but we wouldn’t be able to do any of it without amazing people seeing a need and stepping up to fill that need. Please consider your relationship to our community and see what ministry(ies) stand out to you. Come and see! Come and be part of what makes this place so amazing!
With love and gratitude,
Olin Johannessen
Director of Digital Content
Associate for Music and Youth Ministries