Fri., April 12, 2024
Living Glue
Peter Tarlton
My soul wanders in search of some truth, as polarized mists obscure
What my eyes and ears serve to my uneasy feelings, asking,
When you and I shout our beliefs across a media driven canyon,
Do our walls draw any closer? Might a question help, such as
“How many variables are mixed into this puzzling situation?”,
To crack open doorways holding back emotions and thoughts,
And suggest glimpses of interdependence, despite our grasping
For separate identities and values from keen memories of experience
What of the idea about a Creator being the Great I AM,
Able to plant seeds of unique and divine DNA in all beings?
Candles will flicker in the dark, yet somehow shed a constant Light.
Do seeds from above carry such mystery, about relationships,
Our embedded capacity to love, surely with spirited variations,
While firmly holding bonds of community, as the Living Glue for Us?
You and I can easily discount one another’s approaches, maybe less so
When I feel an offering is made from kind authenticity. With subtle hints of
Caring, I can sense an invitation to be curious and explore combinations,
Even saved from an otherwise isolated feeling, to move me toward Yes!
A Truth now seems to approach, as I recall “My Peace I leave with you”, more
Clearly seen to be sticky similarities, with flexible differences, as the sustainable Way!