Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Friday, August 23, 2024

Coffee Hour

Jennifer Stevens

Coffee Hour Reflection: Building Whole-Hearted Community

Coffee Hour is a cherished time of connection at St. John’s. As our current coordinator, Jen Stevens, steps down, we are seeking a new Coordinator or Co-Coordinators to take the lead in this vital ministry. If you feel called to help continue this tradition of hospitality and fellowship, please reach out to Jen at jenstevens67@gmail.com or the church office.

Opportunities for connection is one of the most important aspects a community can offer. There is so much going on at St Johns, and so many ways to find your place and connect with others, which is often what brings people to church. Since my arrival at St Johns, I have been fortunate enough to be involved in many aspects in the life of our parish, from Kindergarten Sunday School Teacher, Youth Group Leader who was lucky enough to be a chaperone on our pilgrimage to Ireland, Christmas Pageant and Musical Helper (many times!), Participant in Ballroom Dancing Classes taught by Judy Roberts (back in the day!), Holly Hill Fair Co-Coordinator, Cooking for Crossroads Helper, Book Group Participant, and most recently, Coordinator of Coffee Hour on Sundays.

It can definitely be tough for some of our more introverted parishioners to walk into a full Thaxter Hall, but the unstructured time to have a cup of coffee and a bite and meet new people is what grows a community. In the survey for the SJC Time Capsule, our youth told us that their #1 favorite thing about St John’s is Coffee Hour!! While being involved with Coffee Hour, I have found so much joy and laughter working alongside so many of you in the kitchen...long time SJC parishioners, new members hoping to make new friends, some of your friends who were visiting for a Sunday, and SJC youth who needed service hours for school club requirements. It is such an easy way to dip your toe in with a few people at a time and grow friendships.

Some of the most precious memories I have while helping with Coffee Hour are when the cherub choir meets Ashley in the narthex and then all come over to Thaxter Hall together to help us put the platters of goodies on the tables. They then get first dibs to choose their own treats before church lets out and head downstairs to cherub choir rehearsal. It’s amazing we haven’t had any mishaps! I have equally loved on many occasions, visitors who pop into the kitchen to say how much they appreciate the delicious coffee and treats and how welcoming it made them feel. I’ve loved having and seeing new friendships bloom over plating brownies or cutting up fruit and veggies. And equally, showing each other pictures of family weddings, trips, children and grandchildren.

I’m reaching out to all of you, as it’s time for me to step down and we’re looking for a new Coordinator or Co-Coordinators for Coffee Hour to pass the baton. We have a wonderful group of volunteers (we’re always welcoming new ones!), a good system for planning, a binder with kitchen and coffee making guidelines, and are happy to train anyone interested. Please reach out to me (jenstevens67@gmail.com) or the church office if this is something that is speaking to you. For me, it’s been one of the most important and meaningful ministries of St. John’s.

Thank you!

Jen Stevens