Daily Reflection | Building Hope

Monday, August 12, 2024

Peter Rice

Hope is a Good Thing, Perhaps the Best Thing of All

The following numbers are an unpalatable reality for all who are a part of the St. John’s Church community : 

$ 62854. Cost of solar panels
$ 9845.39 St. John’s electricity bill in 2023. 
$ 4929. 71 Year to date ( 7 /30/24 ) electricity bill

But perhaps a more uplifting way of beginning this letter would be to borrow a few words from Pope Francis : “Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue . It is not an option or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience." I also want to borrow a word from our campaign’s title, “Building Hope", specifically the word “hope". HOPE IS A GOOD THING, PERHAPS THE BEST OF ALL THINGS AND NO GOOD THING EVER DIES. 

From my perspective the underlying issues this campaign address are far more serious than dollars and cents. It’s about doing our part to care for God’s creation, the world in which we live. Living on the Seacoast we see the impact of climate change (CC) on an increasing frequency. Though effecting all of us it becomes apparent that the impact of CC is disproportionately affects the elderly, disadvantaged , people of color and the poverty stricken. Sadly and no pun intended here, the latter are just the tip of the iceberg which is melting even faster due to CC. Consider for a moment the millions of people around the world who suffer far more serious effects of CC than those of us in the Western world. It is ironic that such worldwide suffering is for the most part attributed to fossil fuel producers and users. Frustrating thought? Yes. Why even bother to bring it up? First, think of the children. Think of the many children of all ages who participate in St. John’s Sunday school program. What kind of world will they inherit as they become adults? Now think of the millions of children around the world who every day suffer the effects of starvation and famine.  

I like to think that all of us at St. John’s will be responsible stewards of our planet. The sooner we do our small part by switching to renewable energy the better the chances of mitigating the inevitable, catastrophic effects of climate change. The installation of solar panels on Thaxter Hall is one small step in the right direction . “Project Building Hope “ is hoping to raise $ 20,000. In order to fund solar panel installation as well as other earth care initiatives with excess amounts going towards the vision of a sustainable , accessible and inclusive community.

The below numbers are representative of where our fundraising currently stands: 

Gross cost, panels $ 62,854. 
30 % tax credit $ 18,856. 20 
Remining cost $43997. 80 
Diocesan grant $10, 000.
50 % matching donation $ 16, 998. 90 

 These numbers are hopeful. These numbers make the original numbers more palatable for all. When donating please be as generous as possible. Make checks payable to St. John’s Church with “ Building Hope “ in the memo line or click on the image below to donate online.

Warm personal regards,
Peter Rice

Click here to learn more about The Building Hope Project, and make your donation today!