Tues., January 14, 2025
The Chapel St. Chronicle
Welcome to the Chapel Street Chronicle, your weekly St. John’s digest.
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"You Are God's Beloved"
The Rev. Rob Stevens
This is something I try to remember, because I've learned that I seem to forget this, seemingly on a daily basis. And when I forget of my belovedness in God's eyes, I am not the only one who is hurt by this. I imagine that we all can notice this in our own selves and in our own lives.
Go and Do!
Seacoast People's March, Saturday January 18, 2025
Annual Seacoast MLK Breakfast, Monday, January 20, 2025. Free and open to the public.
In case you missed it, here's a choice number from the Chapel Street Band's recent appearance at St. John's Star Festival for the Epiphany. A fun and funky arrangement of Ruth Stuart's "Rise up, shepherd, and follow."
There's a lot to learn about this piece if you've got the interest and the time. Click here to learn more!
From the desk of The Rev. Anne Williamson
"Practice the Pause," by Caroline Oakes
Oakes explores how Jesus and other wisdom teachers 'practiced the pause' with contemplative prayer and discusses recent scientific discoveries about the intersection of contemplative prayer and neuroscience.
What are you reading? Listening to? Thinking about? Do you have any great recommendations that you're eager to share? Let Aaron know!