Saturday, September 26, 2020
Rebecca Hennessy
It is surprising how big little things can be.
For me the Daily Reflection has been a big little thing. Each entry penned by a member of the St. John’s community. And with their photo attached bringing an unmasked and smiling face into each new day.
Inspired by weekly themes your words about love, prayer, routine, play, grace, and learning how to simply be have given support to many. Your stories about digging in deep, about searching and seeking, about stillness and reflection have been valued. Your stories about loved ones and the challenges of life during this pandemic have been encouragement to mold ourselves into the work of being useful. And to be more willing and vulnerable to the careful attention we need to hold for one another as we move into a world, changed.
Little things often offer moments of pause. And there can be a spaciousness, a flexibility, in little things. Where things, and people, can be just as they are. Little things support the big work of now.
And connecting a face to a name has been especially helpful to me as your Parish Administrator. I joined the SJC staff in Dec 2019. And although my time in the 100 Chapel Street actual office has been relatively brief it has been absolutely good. Ashley, Jennifer and Michelle are wonderful people to work with – talented, kind and quick to laugh as I learn the ins and outs of the job. Revs. Anne and Nathan are generous with their time, wisdom and patience. And Rev. Rob, too, the guy with the new puppy and a love for this church and for all of you that is just as joyful and exuberant!
So until we can shake hands and greet one another, hello from here at Thank you for all you do. Thank you for giving support and for receiving support. Both are gifts. Both are necessary to the work of your big church on the little hill on Chapel Street.