Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Saturday April 16, 2022

The Rev. David Coleman and the Rev. Zam Walker

Holy Saturday

God, older than we can imagine, yet ever new; 

God, whose Spirit is the heartbeat of a changing creation, 

help us to face change. 

To make transitions without fear, 

having confidence that you journey with us. 

Give us the courage to build community wherever we are, 

valuing the vision and wisdom of whomever we encounter. 

Open us to hear you speaking 

through unexpected people 

in unexpected places 

at unexpected times, 

even those we have written off. 

And enable us to embrace the unknown with joy, 

Seeing then possibilities of your bright New World. Amen. 

~ The Rev. David Coleman and the Rev. Zam Walker, from the Iona anthology Going Home Another Way