The Chapel St. Chronicle, December 10, 2024 Edition

Tues., December 10, 2024

The Chapel St. Chronicle

Welcome to the Chapel Street Chronicle, your weekly St. John’s digest.

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SERMON series


The Rev. Rob Stevens

"Restoration" I can sometimes find myself in the mindset of wondering "can't we all just get along?," which is admittedly a bit reductive and perhaps naive (although I prefer "optimistic," or "hopeful" to be sure!). I find it helpful to remind myself that as we practice our faith of celebrating a God who says that we can turn around — indeed, correct our mistakes, or try again — not once, not twice, but as many times as we need to, we must practice this in our own lives, and remember that the ability to make things right — to restore justice — is not always easy, or a quick procedure. Let us have grace with ourselves and others.

Go and Do!

This Sunday, December 15, in addition to our morning services, St. John's is proud to present our annual Service of Lessons and Carols at 5:00pm in the Sanctuary. The service will also be live-streamed via our YouTube channel, and we hope you will participate in the way that is best for you!


“My Lord, What a Morning," Harry T. Burleigh

Featuring Joseph Harris, baritone, and Jennifer McPherson Mulhern, piano. Featured Offertory Anthem at the Rite 2 Service of Holy Eucharist on Sunday, December 8, 2024.

St. John's: Youth in our Community!

Sweet (and sturdy!) St. John's

Charlotte, sixth grade, decided to create St. John’s church out of gingerbread. She recently visited the Portsmouth Historical Society‘s gingerbread house display and was inspired to represent her church. Her favorite parts of church are definitely youth choir and coffee hour! She loves to be involved with the musicals and the pageant and recently bragged to her teacher about how Paul Revere recast the bell of St. John’s.

Choir School at St. John's VISITS Candlelight Stroll

Last Friday, December 6, directors Olin Johannessen, Jennifer Mulhern, and Ashley Wade led the students and families from Choir School as they lended their time and talents to singing carols at Strawbery Banke's Candlelight Stroll. Our roving band of enthusiastic singers serenaded museum guests as they made their way through the narrow dirt-paved streets of Portsmouth's living museum, spreading holiday cheer as they sang.

From the desk of The Rev. Anne Williamson

Taken from the blog Unfolding Light, by Steve Garnaas-Holmes

Go before

And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High;

for you will go before the Holy One to prepare God’s ways,

to give knowledge of salvation to God’s people

by the forgiveness of their sins. — Luke 1.76-77

"You go before, before the way is straightened.

The preparations are mostly unseen. Go anyway.

Bold pronouncements won’t do it;

you make God’s grace known by forgiving.

Plant seeds of grace in the dark soil of this world;

sow seeds of light in the darkness.

In time they will bear fruit, in time.

Go before; Infinite Love is at your back."

Do you have any great recommendations that you're eager to share? Let Aaron know!