Tues., December 17, 2024
The Chapel St. Chronicle
Welcome to the Chapel Street Chronicle, your weekly St. John’s digest.
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"The First Star of the Night"
Sunday Sermon
The Rev. Aaron Jenkyn
On "Gaudete Sunday," Aaron preaches on the quiet, transformative joy that breaks through darkness, reminding us that God’s light is always near.
Go and Do!
This Thursday, December 19 at 6:00pm, we will hold space for the difficult feelings that we experience during this time when all is supposed to be joyous and magical. Come and hold space with us at St. John's Blue Christmas Service. The service will also be live-streamed.
St. John’s Youth Present: The annual Christmas Pageant!
This Sunday, at the 10:00am Rite II service, don't miss the annual Christmas Pageant! Youth Music director Ashley Wade weaves her magic alongside her team of teachers in this beautiful St. John's Tradition. Live-stream available.
The Kelp Wave Sculpture at Jenness Beach
Looking for a way to celebrate the Winter Solstice? Head over to Jenness Beach in Rye, NH to view artist Terrance Parker's "The Kelp Wave." This staggering aluminum sculpture is meant to remind us that the ocean is alive and the source of life. The upper strands of the kelp leaves are fabricated to look like the curl of a breaking ocean wave, and once a year, at high noon on the Winter Solstice, the sun shines directly through the center of the sculpture creating a breathtaking alignment of all that sustains us. Read more about it on Seacoast Online (NOTE: a subscription may be required to read this article).
“There Is No Rose," Colin Britt
Featuring the Parish Choir under the direction of Jennifer McPherson Mulhern. Featured Communion Anthem at the Rite 2 Service of Holy Eucharist on Sunday, December 15, 2024. Click here to learn more about the medieval text of the piece which has inspired so many beautiful compositions over the years.
From the desk of The Rev. Anne Williamson
This sonnet by the British theologian, priest and poet Malcolm Guite speaks of the power of two women who appear powerless in a wordly sense but 'favoured of heaven'. From his wonderful book of sonnets entitled Sounding the Seasons.
And, a Solstice Blessing ahead of this Saturday's Winter Solstice, from Pádraig Ó Tuama.
Around the wider Episcopal Church
"The Episcopal Church announced Dec. 11 that it had divested entirely from the fossil fuel industry – marking the culmination of a decade-long shift toward environmentally conscious investments and a significant milestone in the church’s more than 50-year history of socially responsible investing."
Do you have any great recommendations that you're eager to share? Let Aaron know!