Tues., December 24, 2024
The Chapel St. Chronicle
Welcome to the Chapel Street Chronicle, your weekly St. John’s digest.
Click on the images to view related content.
Sunday Sermon
The Rev. Rob Stevens
A link to Sunday's Rite I Service, jumping straight to the sermon.
Today is Christmas Eve, and St. John's has you covered no matter what style of service experience you desire.
4:00pm: Family-friendly service with children's choir.
8:00pm: Traditional Rite II service with robust musical prelude featuring choir, congregational hymn-singing, and brass quintet. LIVE-STREAM AVAILABLE.
11:00PM: Reverent and serene Rite I service with organ and vocal soloist. (Note: there will be incense burned at this service)
We also invite you to peruse our in-person offerings for the remainder of the week, and remind you to get excited in anticipation for our all-ages Star Festival on Sunday, January 5, 2025. Visit our calendar here.
Note: there will be no live-streamed services on December 29. Visit our YouTube page to find all our content to enjoy as you wish.
A Festival of crèches at St. John's
Have you taken a peek in the rear of the church lately? We are blessed with two beautiful, and wonderfully different, crèches. Parishioner Ann Tarlton shares this rich and lovely story about her family crèche, a newer addition to SJC this year:
This crèche was started in 1947, the year my family moved to Havana, Cuba. My mother would take me each year to El Encanto in downtown Havana, where we would pick out various pieces depicting the birth of “the baby Jesus.” We began with the stable, the manger, the holy family and the three kings.
And for the next seven years we added animals, shepherds, appropriate outbuildings and multiple worshippers, each one having its own story.
So look at and into the scene; find your own stories, your own childhood memories and, most of all, ENJOY!
We hope you'll take a peek at both the next time you're along the rear aisle!
In Need of Joy?
In case you missed it, a click the image above to see our annual Christmas Pageant, where the children of St. John's shine their light for all to enjoy as they tell the story of Christ's arrival on Earth.
Still Telling Our Story
In reverent readings and thoughtfully chosen anthems and hymns, St. John's celebrates its Service of Lessons and Carols with beauty and tradition.
We had a beautiful Blue Christmas Service last Thursday, and are grateful to all who made time to bring their presence into community with us, whether in-person or online. If you missed it, please feel free to watch the stream at your leisure.
Do you have any great recommendations that you're eager to share? Let Aaron know!