In the days since we sent our last update about how we as a community are responding to the Coronavirus, we have been tracking new information, speaking with other communities of faith, listening to you, and talking with our Bishop.
“‘Everyone’s a little broken and everyone belongs" Crowded Table
Trinkets and Treasure
More recently I was introduced to the Daily Prayer book from the Corrymeela Community and among the wonderful offerings in their prayer book is The Prayer of Courage -of-courage. The Daily Prayer Book includes 31 brief Scripture readings – a verse or two – and a prayer for that day.
‘Behold, I am doing a new thing...’ Isaiah 43:19
I had completely forgotten how overwhelming life is in a household with a new baby, especially if the baby is the first baby born into that household! I write from London where I am spending time with my lovely new granddaughter, Ada, and her terrific parents (very true, even if I am biased!). Ada is five weeks old, and life is a bit more settled, until it isn’t.