Wrapped in Love Blanket Ministry was started last September. Its mission is to provide blankets for sick, injured, or traumatized children ages newborn through high school.
Featuring Aaron’s sermon from Sunday, a beautiful interpretation of “Abide With Me” from the TIME AND MERCY concert, a poem upon which to reflect, and information to help you plan your Lenten experience with St. John’s.
Featuring Rob’s sermon from Sunday, an anthem from the Parish Choir, a poem upon which to reflect, and information to help you plan your Lenten experience with St. John’s.
Featuring Aaron’s sermon from Sunday, an anthem from the Parish Choir, a poem upon which to reflect, and information to help you plan your Lenten experience with St. John’s.
Featuring Rob’s sermon from Sunday, go BEYOND THE MUSIC with Jen McPherson Mulhern, enjoy a poem for Ash Wednesday, and plan your Lenten experience with St. John’s.
Featuring Rob’s sermon from Sunday, Go and Do! including TIME & MERCY, an upcoming St. John’s Selects presentation, links and information about St. John’s Lenten programming, a teaser on Rob’s Sunday evening book group, as well as other news from around our communities.