Daily Reflection

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

“We Are...,” Ysaye M. Barnwell. Performed by The St. John's Parish Choir, and featuring Ashley Wade, Co-Director of The Choir School at St. John's, and Director of Communications and Children's Ministries.

Featured Offertory Anthem at the 10:00am service of Holy Eucharist Rite II on Sunday, October 8, 2023.

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

“Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life,” Harold Friedell. Performed by the Parish Choir under the direction of Jennifer McPherson Mulhern, Director of Music, on Sunday, October 1, 2023. Featured Offertory Anthem at the 10:00am service of Holy Eucharist Rite II on Sunday, October 1, 2023.

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

“Set Me as a Seal,” René Clausen. This special performance by the Parish Choir was recorded on Kickoff Sunday, September 10, 2023, and we are so proud to feature our guest conductor and organist, former Music Director, Dr. Abbey Hallberg Siegfried.

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

What does a thing look like from where you are standing, or even, what is your relationship to the thing that is being viewed?

Or, how does our perspective shift when it is altered by time, or memory?

From where is our perspective coming? Are we viewing things from our own perspective, or by using the perspective of God?

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

This Gospel passage from Matthew 9:9-13 invites us to remember that, no matter how our sense of self may, or may not fit into the image of what it "should" be, we are all called. And, there is something so remarkable about these figures from our faith in that when they were called, they said "yes." They heard the call, and said "yes."