Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Thursday, May 28, 2020
Lacey Bangs

What is a prayer that has special meaning for you? 

 My days have been altered beyond what I could have ever imagined by a simple virus.  And my primary coping mechanism seems to be that of a snail, drawing into my shell, or a slug, barely moving at all.

The prayer that has been of help to me is well known as a staple of many of the 12-step programs.  The Serenity Prayer is my go-to for its simplicity, brevity, and common sense.

God grant me the serenity 
To accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

I find that if I can only step back, take a deep breath, and listen to the wisdom of these words, the world seems less overwhelming.  I can take my small steps to act responsibly, realizing that I am extraordinarily fortunate to be in a community of caring people, and that I have resources beyond most.  I can trust that God will help me to get through the petty annoyances, calm the pangs of missing my dearest family members, and ease the terror of the unknown which wakes me in the night.  I may not be a picture of serenity, but I can draw on the strength of these words when I feel most vulnerable, and look toward a more normal routine when the time is right.  All will be well.