An invitation to participate in Holy Week: Walking the way of the cross is a gift. This week of all weeks it is so possible to be grateful for the many gifts we have been given by God.
The Easter Giving Eggs
This Easter, let's empower our children to put their 'eggs in the basket' of a cause they care about. Please sponsor an egg and donate any amount. The Easter Egg Hunt and Giving Celebration for Children will be in the church yard following the 9:15AM church service.
Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ
Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ
Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ
On Sunday we heard the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the Gospel of John 11:1-45. Whether it's grief, loss, pain, or suffering Jesus walks with us. What are those times in your life that you have experienced resurrection?
Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ
Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ
Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ
Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ
Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ
Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ
Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ
Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ
Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ
Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ
Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ
Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ
Offertory Anthem, “Can You Hear,” Jim Papoulis; featuring the combined choirs of St. John’s Choir School, St. John’s Youth Music Program, and the Parish Choir.