The Rev. Robert E. Stevens, Jr., attended The Florida State University and graduated with a B.A. in Psychology in 1991. Rob was awarded an M.Div. from Seabury-Western Theological Seminary in June of 2001 and ordained to the diaconate by the Rt. Rev. Robert H. Johnson (Diocese of Western North Carolina) in Asheville, N.C., on June 4, 2001. He was ordained to the priesthood on December 21, 2001, at Calvary, Pittsburgh. Rob served as curate, then associate rector at Calvary from 2001–’05. He was called to be rector of St. John’s, Portsmouth, N.H., in the summer of 2005.
Rob’s experience varies widely from being a sales representative for an advertising company to managing an aquatics facility. He has also served as a full-time youth minister in the Episcopal Church. His passion is and has always been connecting people to the creative power of God in community, wherever that community may be.
St. John’s seeks to participate in God’s mission in the world. One specific way that St. John’s does this is by seeking to be a welcoming place for all. This spirit of hospitality is particularly important in the midst of much polarization in our culture. It has been through radical welcoming that Rob has been most encouraged by the grace of God that breaks through even the most hardened of hearts. St. John’s is a community of people who not only worship and pray together but have fun together as well. Rob believes the most important needs of the Church today are strong effective leadership and a good sense of humor, especially concerning oneself.
Rob is married to Jennifer and they are the parents of Hannah (’96) and Jack (’99).
Rob enjoys spending time with his family, reading, running, playing golf, surfing, fishing, and just about anything that involves being outside.
Featuring Rob’s sermon from Sunday, an anthem from the Parish Choir, a poem upon which to reflect, and information to help you plan your Lenten experience with St. John’s.
Featuring Rob’s sermon from Sunday, go BEYOND THE MUSIC with Jen McPherson Mulhern, enjoy a poem for Ash Wednesday, and plan your Lenten experience with St. John’s.
Featuring Rob’s sermon from Sunday, Go and Do! including TIME & MERCY, an upcoming St. John’s Selects presentation, links and information about St. John’s Lenten programming, a teaser on Rob’s Sunday evening book group, as well as other news from around our communities.
Featuring Rob’s sermon from Sunday, an anthem from the Parish Choir, Go and Do! including Outside The Box, a recap of the Annual Meeting, plus a reflection on Bishop Budde’s inauguration day sermon from the Rev. Aaron Jenkyn.
Featuring Rob’s sermon from Sunday, music from The Chapel Street Band, Go and Do!, plus a book recommendation from Anne.
Featuring Rob’s sermon from Sunday’s Rite I service, plus links to our Pageant, Service of Lessons and Carols, Blue Christmas service, and other offerings from around St. John’s! Merry Christmas!
Featuring “Restoration,” a sermon from The Rev. Rob Stevens, a musical reflection, and other offerings from the clergy and staff of SJC for your week.
As many of us prepare to gather with friends and loved ones this week, I offer to you this simple prayer: God, help me to be nonviolent. Help me to remember that I am from LOVE.
As I seek to process the events of this past week, in particular the results of the election, I look to Jesus' example, of one who is not simply going to name and decry bad behavior, but also one who is going to use his position of power to CONNECT.
The Rev. Rob Stevens preaches on the ways we all experience blindness, the ways we actively or inactively shut out certain things in our own worlds; and the ways we all wish to feel seen by those in our lives.
What does it mean to give freely, and how does it change our perceptions of our things? Our time? Our money?
In his life and ministry, Jesus manifested a centripetal force, the act of drawing in, rather than casting out.
"Preach the Gospel at all times; when necessary, use words." Who we say Jesus is matters.